Integratutako Pump Aldakortasun Maiztasun Pumpâ € "BLE

Integratutako Pump Aldakortasun Maiztasun Pumpâ € "BLE


Honako hau da guztiz integratuta ponpa aldagai maiztasun pump BLE lotutako BLE-1, Espero dut hobeto ulertzen laguntzeko Ulertzen integratuta ponpa aldagai maiztasuna pump BLE.

Bidali mezu elektronikoa Bidali kontsulta

Model Instruction

Produktuaren ikuspegi orokorra

Fully integrated intelligent variable frequency pump was developed by the company's latest frequency conversion controller and the water pump, pressure tank and so on a new generation of highly integrated pressurized water supply equipment, aesthetically pleasing, has reached the international advanced level, with artificial intelligence, can automatically adjust the constant pressure frequency conversion water supply in order to meet user requirements, keep the water supply pipe network pressure constant, and the whole system always maintain the best condition of high efficiency and energy saving.

Aplikazioaren mugak

â-Ž Ura bizitegi ¼šHigh-rise eraikin teilatua presio, apartamentu, villa, eta abar.
â-Ž Leku publikoak: eskolak, jatetxeak, geltokiak, ospitaleak, gimnasioak, eta abar.
â-Ž Merkataritza-eraikinak: hotelak, bulegoak, dendak, etab.
◎ Irrigation: farms, orchards, parks, etc.
â-Ž Industria: fabrikazioa, elikadura fabrikazioa, ur industriala eta beste presio konstante batzuk urez hornitzeko guneak.

Applications Fields

â-Ž Lan tentsioa: AC220V ± 10%, 50Hz, eta% 2 baino gutxiago.
◎ Ambient temperature: - 5 ℃ to 40 ℃
◎ Installation site elevation no more than 1000m.
â-Ž Ingurumen hezetasuna 10 ~ 90% HR (ez kondentsazio)
â-Ž Inguruko airean lehergai dagoen ingurune arriskutsurik ez dago, eta gasa edo hautsezko erradiazioa ez da metalean korronteak eta isolamendua kaltetzen du eta ingurune kutsadura 2 mailan erabiltzen da.



â-Ž Ura erabiltzean, sistemaren etengabeko tentsioaren maiztasunaren kontrola erabiltzen denean, presio automatikoa geldiarazten da ura erabiltzen ez denean.
◎ The operating pressure fluctuation range of frequency conversion pump is not greater than 0.01MPa.
◎ No water, the pump stop
◎ It has several fault detection functions such as broken line, overcurrent, overload and grounding.


◎ Inverter: IP65 protection grade, safe and reliable.
◎ High integration: water pump and frequency converter integrated, small volume, easy to install, save space.
◎ Fully automatic control: the system can be adjusted automatically according to the user's pipe network pressure to achieve the optimal running state and make the system more energy efficient. Automatic pressure protection, dormancy and energy saving effect are obvious when no water is used. When pump failure, automatic real-time tracking judgment and processing.
â-Ž Funtzionamendu erraza, erraza da zuzenean botoien bidez eta maiztasun bihurgailuan bistaratzea, giza-ordenagailuaren elkarreraginaren funtzioa kontutan hartuta, erabiltzaileak estresa errealitatearekin erlazionatutako ezarpenen arabera egin dezake, egoera exekutatzen du eta informazio garrantzitsua lortzen du anormala denean, anormal informazioa lor daiteke.
◎ Constant power operation: when the controller to limit the power and will be adjusted according to the actual operation situation, under the condition of the water as much as possible, to ensure the user, the output power is constant, for the protection of the motor.

Ekipoen espektroa

Ekintza deskribapena

◎ Automatic identification module through the pressure sensors' system, compare it with the set pressure value calculation, and output analog signal to frequency converter, frequency conversion controller according to the changes of the analog signal again change motor operating frequency, so as to achieve constant industry water supply demand. When the permanent user USES large amount of water, automatically increases the speed and increases the power to meet the constant pressure water supply demand. When there is no water, after the system reaches pre-set pressure automatic dormancy, when a user a small amount of water or pipeline leaking caused the water pressure drops to 80%, the frequency conversion controller back signal, command the motor running, the pressure compensation to the set pressure, maximum achieve energy saving.

Performance parameters

Instalazio diagrama

Instalazio neurriak

â-Ž Barruan instalazioa, isurpenik ez, metalezko hautsik, hautsik ez, korrosibotasunik ez duen gas likidoa edo likidoa, seinale elektromagnetikoen interferentzia ez. Kanpoan instalatutakoan, proiekzio gailua egon beharko litzateke.
◎ The installation ground of frequency conversion pump must be firm, there can not be subsidence or cracking phenomenon.
â-Ž Ekipamendua instalatuta dagoenean, presio positibo inportatuaren instalazioa onartu, ez saiatu presio negatiboak suctioninstallation. Behar den presio negatiboa beharrezkoa bada, hautatu kalitate oneko balbula bat eta egiaztatu aldian-aldian.
◎ The inlet pipe and outlet pipe of the variable frequency pump must be greater than or equal to the variable frequency pump's own pipe diameter.
â-Ž Kontuz hornitutako energia hornidurak maiztasuneko bihurketarako ponpa elektrizitatearen eskakizunak betetzen dituela.
â-Ž Instalazioaren unean, emandako maiztasunaren bihurketa ponpa inportazio eta esportazio balbula eta kanalizazioan pasatzen den zarata mantentze eta prebentzioa errazteko konektatutako soft konektorea eskaintzen du.
â-Ž Inpresioaren presio positiboaren instalazioa egin ondoren, ireki ponpa balbula-balbula aurretik erabili eta gero, askatu gasa ura estutu arte. Jasotze-kanalizazioa urez betetzen da (ur xurgagailuaren kanalizazioa urarekin betetako balbula behar da) erabili baino lehen, eta ponpa-ganbera urez betetzen da.

Selection reference

Uraren kontsumorako gehieneko kalkuluen metodoa (1. taula)


â-Ž Parentesi artean zenbakizko balioak urarekin hornitzen direnean erabiltzen dira, hotza edo ur beroa kalkulatzen denean bereizita.
◎ When the tub is attached with a shower or mixed nozzle with a shower switch, its rated flow and equivalent amount of water nozzle, regardless of the shower, but water pressure according to the shower meter.
◎ Domestic gas water heater, the water pressure required by the product requirements and hot water supply system is the most unfavorable distribution point required work pressure determination.
◎ The automatic sprinkling irrigation of green space should be according to the product design requirements.
â-Ž Iturgintza-burdinetarako beharrezko fluxu eta lanerako gutxieneko presioa zehazten denean, produktuaren beharren arabera zehaztuko da balioa. (produktua zehazten denean etekina nola zehaztu)
◎ Maximum water consumption.
â-Ž L = balbula bakarreko pita-zenbakia * fluxu nominalena + pita mistoa * fluxua baloratua + ... + etxeko garbigailuen kopurua * balorazio-fluxua.
◎ The calculated L unit is (L/S) converted to tons/hour with the coefficient of 3.6 (the rated flow is shown in table 1)

Presio gutxieneko kalkulua

â-Ž Presioaren gutxieneko kalkulua kalkulatzen da ponpenaren gainazalaren gainazalean, eta baita etxetresna elektrikoen erabilera handiena lortzeko beharrezkoa den gutxieneko presioa ere.
â-Ž Ur hornidurako ekipoetarako (MPa) gutxieneko presioa gutxi gorabehera 1/100 * (hg + hf) + PE da.
â-Ž Ha: igogailu errealeko igogailua (m) gailu altuena da
â-Ž Hf: kanalizazioa, ukondoa, etab. (m) galera, galera kalkulatu daiteke (6 m-tik 10 m-ra)
◎ Pe: minimum necessary pressure for the highest sanitary ware (see table 1)


There is a hotel,four floors on the ground, about 12 meters high, is apart from the suction side), there were 12 room, every room is equipped with large, implement a sink a (mixed water mouth), a shower (mixed water mouth), in addition to a small hotel and washing water mouth, four indoor ground flush water mouth, water fountain water mouth four. Please calculate the flow and lift of the equipment to be selected.
Gehienezko uraren kontsumoa:
Maximum water consumpon=3.6{12(1*0.1+1*0.15+1*0.24)+1*0.2+4*0.2+4*0.05}=6.084 t/h
The minimum pressure:
The minimum pressure ≈ 1/100*(12+10)+0.07=0.29MPa
Ha: Suction azalera sanitario altuena duen tokia 12 metrokoa da.
Hf: Kanalizazioa eta ukondoa 10 metro neurtzen dira.
Pe: The minimum working pressure of the shower is 0.7bar.
arreta:1bar ≈ 1kg/cm³=0.1MPa,1MPa ≈ 100m pump’s lift.
Ekipamendua hautatuta dagoenean, hautatutako ekipoaren fluxu osoa gehienezko uraren kontsumoa da eta buru-igogailua kalkulatutako gutxieneko presioa baino txikiagoa da.

Maiztasun maiztasunaren ponpak

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